
Then she cleaned her hands on a bath towel and reached for the metal file.

"I should cut this completely off, but I think you will enjoy this better.
I'm going to score this key just enough so if it is forced too much it will snap off. 
The lock turns easily enough now, but as the epoxy starts to harden, 
it will put more and more friction on the key. 
How long will it take until the glue is too stiff and turning the key will cause it to snap off? 
I really don't know, It's 2-hour epoxy, 
but I'm sure it starts to get hard pretty quickly. 
All you have to do is release yourself in time to take that risk.

Good Bye for ever, your naughty slave."

And with that, she wiped her hands a final time, picked up her things and turned to leave.

"Oh. I almost wish I could be here to see how this turns out, 
but my flight to Athens leaves within the hour. Ta Ta! 
And remember not to try to cut that belt off, you just might trigger that nasty castration device."

With an evil smile she lock the door behind her, 
leaving him alone in his torment. The sound of the door locking closed woke him from his stunned stupor, 
and he started to carefully pull in the thread. Goodness, that ice was heavy! 
One tug too strongly would dash all his hope to hell. 
As he struggled to reach the keys, he could not help but think of what he had lost. 
How could he have been so dumb! She must really have cared for him to have been hurt so deeply by his transgressions. And truthfully, his little moments of weakness and been so full of guilt, 
that he had not truly enjoyed them.

He was sweating profusely when he finally felt the handcuff keys bounce along the back of his hand. 
With a desperate lunge, he managed grab the prized item. 
How long had it been, a half hour? An hour? Surely he didn't have much more time to spare. 
Unlocking the handcuff on his right wrist proved to be more of a challenge than he thought, 
especially when his heart nearly stopped as the keys started to slip from his damp fingers. 
Only a tiny bit of threat kept certain disaster from befalling him. 
With a gratifying click the cuff released his already raw wrist and he grasped for the chastity belt key. 
The glue surrounding the lock was still sticky but was becoming harder by every fleeting moment. 
He could feel the deep cut she had left on the key and knew to would not take much force at all to snap it off. How hard should he try to turn it? Should he try at all and wait to try to make it to a locksmith? 
Precious time was slipping by and he desperately needed to do something. 
He closed his eyes and started to apply tension to the key.

Was it starting to turn or was it only bending into an impossible shape.

"Just a tiny bit more.... Come on....Please!...."

What would it be like, never to be able to touch himself ever again. 
How could he survive one more minute, let alone the rest of his life! 
He couldn't take much more of this. Both his terror and his state of excitement raged within his heart. 
He know it must end soon but, God help him, he didn't know which to root for.

"If I ever get out of this I'll never have the courage to wear one again."

He tried to push the key a tiny bit more



The key broke in half leaving the lock closed forever.

However a few days later a letter arrived.

If you want to be released by the belts creator visit the following address.

Address in Russia 

Desperate for release he agreed.

Upon arrival at the address a woman greeted him.
