I have a facebook profile.
Now on my Facebook profile my intro goes like this

All friends must be 21 years old.
X rated conversions possible
No censorship
No church talk

But recently I accepted a friend request from a 19 year old woman.
My privacy setting are set up to block people who make friends request under 18.
I have a no minors policy because I talk about a lot of graphic topics.
I once spoke about how planned parenting that's how much I don't give a shit.

I stated that since the child was created by 50% of the mother's DNA
the child would sort of be like a clone of the mother.
An according to current the legal rights of clones
( There are no legal rights for clones)
the baby was pretty much a form of property like an Ipad.
Yes I stated that child was no better than a slave.
However when you see a mother spanking the hell outta a child because it won't stop
crying how many people actually get involved. NONE

An as a person's property the child could be treated in any manner the mother liked.
I even went on to say that mother could basically use the unborn fetus as wall paint by chucking
the unformed slug against the wall.

The full grown adults who read this were outraged.

This is why I am very insistent that no minors send me friend request.
I also do not accept friend of a friend request from minors either.

Anyway during the long time I have been on Facebook being offensive
I have collected 4600 friend on my friends list and I have checked the ages of 90% of them.
Some of them may have altered their birthdates to reach the minimum age however I am not sure.

Anyway I got about 22 friends request and I am looking at the thumb nails.
All the thumb nails were of people's faces.
Normally I check each birthdate before accepting friends request.
However a woman I pissed off when talking about planned parenthood
started calling me a baby killer so I want to get off of Facebook.

I clicked accept on all the request and closed the window.
I went about my day and returned to facebook later.
I was talking to someone about how Don Trump actually had a great
campaign slogan that would be tainted forever.

I was scrolling my wall and saw something stupid from a random
person on my friends list.
The post was something stupid that I want to dispute.
Honestly I don't even remember what the post was about.
I don't even remember who posted it.
I only remember this event because I was having fun disproving her.
Then she got mad so out of pure shock value I posted something very sexual.
Normally if someone says " You an idiot. " and respond with
something shocking it derails the entire conversation.

However sometimes if the person is as strange as me it can turn into an hour long conversation.
Anyway this 19 year old girl with just a face photo thumbnail who I never spoken to before
gets overly offended and I assume it's because she is a church goer.
Overly religious people enjoy stuffing there ideal down my throat so I enjoy
weirding them out.
But in the middle of the conversation I get blocked from messaging her.
I honestly did care.
I had 4000 other people I could talk to.

Some time later I get a friends request from a button shirted guy.
I assumed that he was a sales person.
I enjoy talking to sales persons with no intent on buying.
This allows the sales person to put in at least an hour without
having to do their actual job.
I basically made them money by being indecisive.
However this guy messages me soon after to tell me he is the father of a 16 year old girl.
I have no idea who he is talking about.
He mentions her by name but I don't have a clue who she is.
I tried to explain that I didn't give a shit because the conversation was
so forgettable but said he wanted to call the police.

So I blocked him and unfriended every from the last month just to ensure
that she was gone.

I only posted this because the dad has started gossiping to people
and the event which could be sexual harassment at most has been
spread by word of mouth and online chat.
It has reached to my sister and has spread to my family.
Which has made them ask questions.

 " Are you attracted to little girls? "
" No. "
" Are you a petofile? "
" No. "
" Why are you saying sexual stuff to kids? "
" I didn't know it was teenager. "

I find this to be very stupid. Why?
I will simply post this link.


Yeah the Michigan state law pretty much states the following

What is the Michigan Age of Consent?

The Michigan Age of Consent is 16 years old. In the United States, the age of consent is the minimum age at which an individual is considered legally old enough to consent to participation in sexual activity. Individuals aged 15 or younger in Michigan are not legally able to consent to sexual activity, and such activity may result in prosecution for statutory rape.
Michigan statutory rape law is violated when a person has consensual sexual intercourse with an individual under age 16. The age of consent is raised to 18 when the older party is an authority figure. In addition, sexual relations between teachers and students of any age is illegal.

So basically if she can legally consent to having sexual intercourse....something I would never ask for......I don't see why she isn't allowed legally to have an online conversation about sex. 
This father reacted to me as if I was standing outside a large van giving away candy to children.
But I am sure that this father just had his own issues and got overprotective.

You may ask
" What Issues do you mean? "
Well you see some daughter become DNA copies
of their mother and have similar attitudes.
So when the daughter looks similar, sounds similar
and has the same body type as the mother when they first met.
The father can see traits of the woman he has loved for years 
and been physical with in his daughter.
This causes conflicted emotions.  
View list of sexual assault laws & punishments in Michigan 

