Sex toy shop security job

 There is a coffee shop down the street from where I live.

Directly above this coffee shop on the second level is an Adult's Only

shop that not many people know about.

However the few people who did know about the shop

would shoplift from the store.

After so many shoplifting events they hired a security guard.

I arrived at the shop when it opened at 6pm.

I stood near the cash register for an hour and saw a man wearing a backpack walk in.

I asked the man " Could you set your backpack down near the register?" 

The man asked " Why do I have to do that?"

I said " This store has had an issue with shoplifters so according..."

The man says " Are you calling me a thief? "

I said " No. According to store policy you must check in your backpack."

The man says " Do you ask every consumer to check their bags? "

I said " Yes I do. I ask everyone who shops here."

The man says " I think you are lying."

I said " Why do you need your backpack if your not going steal?"

The man stammers for a few minutes and I then followed a hunch

and pull the bag off of his back.

I then pour the contents onto the counter and revealed an entire backpack full of sex toys.

All of which were still in there packages and had been reported stolen the week before.

As the owner calls 911 the guy runs out of shop.

He is half way down the steps when he " trips" and falls down the remaining steps.

I watch him lying on the ground unconscious until the police took him away.

After making a statement the police officer left.

The rest of the week was uneventful.

But the shoplifting stopped. 


