Entitled Mother gets told off

 Less than three blocks from where I live is a comic book shop.

They sell classic comics, Manga, Hentai and Anime all in one location.

They recently reopened with a consumers must wear a mask rule.

During my shift I watch movies on a portable DVD with plug or read Manga.

So I write up my DVD and manga as business expenses.

I had a ton of items waiting for pick up at the shop.

You see you can purchase whatever you want from the extensive online catalog

but when it arrives you have to pick it up at the store.

I made purchases assuming they would ship to my address.

But they ship to the store.

So when I saw an opportunity to grab my stuff I took it.

I show up at the shop with my wife Ann because she ordered some stuff too.

As we walk up to the door and stop to put on our mask.

A woman yells " Why are you wearing mask? Everyone knows Co video is bull shit."

I say " Co Video? "

The woman says " Yes Co video is bull shit."

I am just about to say something when

Ann says " Your a fucking stupid ignorant fool."

" The illness that is actually killing people is Covid 19. It is not Co video."

" You need to put down the fucking crack pipe and let the smoke clear from your brain."

" I wouldn't be shocked if she buys her drugs from the same place your sister Nicole

gets her meth from."

This lady says " You know Nicole. Nicole (Last name)....?"

I say " Nicole ( Last name ) is my sister."

Lady says " Your sister actually sells me vicodin."

I say " That figures." and go inside.

We claim our purchases and leave.

Ann says " Who would have thought some random crazy lady knew your sister."

I say " I know that was odd."
