Kabul Airport

 Listen carefully my friend REDACTED told me all about this.

I personally spoke to REDACTED who was a good friend of mine.

who personally went through the Kabul airport.
My friend REDACTED who was an American.
He is an employee for Reed International, Inc.
He was a weapons specialist.
Previously He was in a eatery relaxing waiting to leave
Kabul by a commercial flight in another 24 hours.
He was eating a meal when the evacuation was ordered.
Now you see when my soldier friend was told to evacuate
he got a overly loud hard to ignore message on his phone.
The message actually had an audio file that made a loud buzzer sound
and a robotic voiced woman said " All United States Citizens must evacuate immediately to Kabul airfield. "
This message was received in a public area and word got out quickly.
My friend went running from the eatery to the airport in civilian clothes.
In those clothes he pushed through the crowd.
My friend arrived at the east gate and
The American Soldiers on the wall and at the gate ignored him.
Only when he cussed at them did the soldiers look at him.
So yes cussing and being loud will get you noticed.
But they won't assist you unless your with in arms reach.
He returned home and put on his Reed International, Inc Privet Security uniform
and was carrying his standard issued AR15.
The Taliban who saw him yelled " uyga bor amerikalik "
But they didn't attempt any violence.
When returning to the same east gate he used the fact he was armed
to reach the wall. The soldiers saw this privet security guy in the crowd
and a soldier immediately helped him over the wall.
They glanced at his passport and put him on a plane
